ONLINE - Securing the Faithful (Safety Team Course)

ONLINE - Securing the Faithful (Safety Team Course)


This ONLINE course was developed to assist faith-based organization in standing up and training their Safety Team. We developed this course as a ministry in 2006 and after training thousands in classroom, we are opening this as an online option. We ask that the individuals signing up for the course not charge to market or invite large audiences because the online course was developed to train specific church teams and we are greatly discounting the course.

This course was designed to be facilitator led; however an individual may also take the course alone. The course includes a “Downloadable Facilitator Guide” and a 30 plus page document to assist in the work of developing policies and procedures. The course is primarily video instruction by our expert in crime prevention, security assessment and who serves as a church leader. The video instruction is supplemented by exercises and discussion to be led by the facilitator.

This training is unique in that the instructor is an expert in crime prevention, as well as serving as a shepherd in the church. This course is based upon a biblical approach to all questions related to security yet is supported by sound principles of risk reduction. This class has been taught to many in the faith community but also to law enforcement. The facilitator-led course should take between 4-5 hours. The online course taken by an individual should take about half that time with the downloaded documents available to use after the class.

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When you sign up and pay for this course, we will send you an email link to the training which will be open for ten days from the day we send the link to allow you time to complete the course. Please ensure the e-mail entered in the registration form is correct.