Our training courses are tailored to meet the needs of the law enforcement and criminal justice practitioner working in the fields of community policing, crime prevention, school resource and school security, planning and other proactive policing fields.

The primary focus of the Crime Prevention Center is to replicate success in policing through focusing upon building positive relationships and trust with the community through community engagement, solving problems, targeted enforcement and creating safer places through prevention of crime.

 Although we specifically target the proactive policing fields we have discovered that often those in academia and private sector building trades have also benefitted.  In addition we do offer customized training to those outside law enforcement based upon our expertise.  One such popular course is the “Securing the Faithful” course targeted for faith organizations.



you come to us or we’ll come to you!



The Crime Prevention Center provides fee based individual announced training, sponsored training and hosted contract training through partnering with local law enforcement or criminal justice agencies.

All of our training topics are taught by subject matter experts or trainers who are experienced in their topical areas.  They have all served or are currently serving in a law enforcement agency. To learn more about our instructors see the “About Us” tab.

You will see below that we have attempted to make all training cost efficient in providing several options.


Fee Based Individual Announced Training

Fee based training are training courses which the Crime Prevention Center serves as the host and oversees all logistics, announcements and training materials, facilities etc.  These courses will be announced via our website, media and other means.


Fee Based Assisted (Sponsored)

We also periodically provide an Fee Based Assisted individual training in which we will provide a number of free seats to a locality for providing the free use of a training facility and assisting with marketing locally.


Contracted Hosted Training

Contract training is by far the most cost efficient means of obtaining training for a locality. Through contracting with us to provide local training the registration expenses are nominal when shared across a number of agencies and of course the travel expense for officers attending the training in another state or distance from their own locality is a huge savings. It is not unusual for several local law enforcement agencies to partner in hosting a training course in their region.

Our contracted training is based upon an all inclusive one fee contract.  The fee covers the cost of travel and per diem of our instructors, their instruction fee, registration and course materials. The hosting entity provides the free training facility, assists in obtaining continuing education units and assists to advertise the training to outside agencies not included in the hosting agency number of training seats.  Outside entities will be charged the individual fee established for the course by the Crime Prevention Center.