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Welcome to the Crime Prevention Center for Training & Services.

We have practiced what we teach

It is our mission to provide the most affordable and relevant training and services to our clients and partners. Our training is based upon what you do and what you need to be successful in your proactive policing and crime prevention efforts. Since all of our associates and instructors have worked in a law enforcement agency in their specific areas of expertise we know the value of training that provides useful materials and tools to accomplish your tasks. We understand the difficulty that law enforcement agencies experience in providing travel, lodging and registration costs and thus make it our commitment to ensure that our training and services is worth your time and expense.


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Our logo is a graphic representation of our focused training and services. We focus on one philosophy of policing and we do it well because we are passionate about it, have experienced the success it brings, and know what it can do for other law enforcement agencies and communities, if properly applied.

Our logo is a triangle, representative of the Crime Prevention Triangle. The Crime Triangle symbolizes graphically the three things required for the criminal to succeed in committing their crime; ability, desire and opportunity. The “Bobbie” hat, prominent in the center of the triangle, is a respectful reminder of our foundational beliefs, built upon what is commonly known as the Peelian Principles, after Sir Robert Peel who authored them as part of the Metropolitan Police Act in 1829. The scrolled phrase across the triangle is also a nod to the wisdom that Peel had in noting that the absence of crime is the ultimate goal. The color blue is symbolic of nobility, and we believe that law enforcement is still a noble profession. The color gold has alternatively been associated with justice, compassion and longevity and fits perfectly with our philosophy of policing, which embraces a return to the concepts of COMMUNITY engagement, the importance of relationships and a return to our founding principals in policing, while also embracing the new techniques and technology.

Upcoming Training by course date

** Some closed contracted courses are not listed here.

If you are interested in hosting a course and receiving some free seats, please contact us.